Are mcintosh rca and xlr cables any good.

Are mcintosh rca and xlr cables any good. Please chime in.

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I believe it is Tributaries as well. They are kind of pricey but if you search around you can usually find them used for a reasonable price. I do not own any but they seem well made. 

McIntosh turntables are indeed Clearaudio, and the cables are Tributaries. One should remember that McIntosh Labs is a bastion of objectivist engineering types.  They make very good gear, but aren’t into magical thinking. The cables are well made, but subscribe to no unproven principles of signal propagation. 

Once I had Mcintosh xlr cables on loan (not sure is there many or just one model), from dealer, as I needed longer run and cables from other brands were not available to me at that moment. The system was Dcs Puccini w clock, Arc Ref 3 and Avantgarde Acoustic active speakers.

I’ ve read that they are made by some other company and I tried them out of curiosity. Dcs can be quite ruthless sounding machine, so I needed a cable that would not ’open’ the sound more (lets say, like some silver AQ) and in that regard the Mcintosh were ok. I would say that their ’character’ is on the warmer side, they might suit gear that is very resolving and that perhaps needs little ’taming’, but are not the last word in transparency or speed. I do not remeber their exact price any more, but I would say that they might compare with copper cables costing around 1k or little bit less new (with AQ prices as referent point) They are ok but nothing special...