Tube cdp with ss units...

...thinking about getting a tube cd player that will be run with my ss pre-pro/amp which I use for both audio and ht. I have latest NHT classics and can be a little edgy/cool depending on audio material. I really like the sound but want a smoother/warmer midbass up. Thanks for advise.
Thanks for the insight folks..Some mentioned components are out of reach for me but the Jolida would be obtainable after a little saving. What about Rega...a more laid back but still all there player as described by some pro reviews? Thanks again.
Cjack notes that the Jolida "JD-100 does not use op amps." I could swear I'd read that it does, but at my age memory is less than reliable, so I stand corrected. No intent to misinform.

Mnnc, you ask, "What about Rega?" You don't specify a budget, but if you have to save up for a Jolida JD-100, then a used Rega Apollo will be a stretch for you. However, you could afford a used original Rega Planet -- which I happen to be listening to as I type this post. It's the player in my office system, and it's on the warm side, and while it may not be the most accurate player on the market, it rarely offends. I like it better than the later Planet 2000. The original Planet comes up used on Audiogon pretty often for about $350-400 but the trick is to get a model that's still in good shape, as the Planet has been around for a good many years.
"Try the Raysonic gear, you wont be disappointed. If I can help let me know...."

Very misleading information.
A Rega Apollo would not be 'too' much of a stretch it's just that I would have to save for a couple three/four months on my teacher salary. However, if I can find what I'm looking for soundwise for less...the better. A 9/10 Apollo just went for less than $700 with a choice of bonus item(I would have chosen Signal digi power cable)and it was blk. I'm just saving and being patient until the time is right. Perhaps around tax return time members will dump their current rig for an upgrade. Then it will be time to start dealing. Thanks again for the time and concern.