Purchasing barely used NAD gear

I have the option to purchase some used NAD gear.   $575 Lightly used and hasn't been used in 25 years.  What kind of issues might I expect to encounter with gear this age.  It looks brand new.   I'm not as tech savvy as some of you fine folks! Stereo Preamplifier 1155, Stereo Power Amplifier 2200 Power Envelope, Stereo Tuner 4130


The biggest concern is the power supply caps on the amp.  Even lightly used, old electrolytics age, and a bad one can blow the whole amp.

On the other gear, even if your caps leak or burn out you it is rarely the cascading failure condition of the amps.

In other words, sounds like a good deal, consider getting the amp recapped.

I wouldn't do it. Recapping is a drag you don't need and won't want to do. Seek out other avenues.

Thanks guys.  Recapping is not something I have the skills to do.  Would the law of a diminishing return come into play here?  If it's spendy,  I don't see the point.  I'm not a rich guy LoL