Candidates for best speakers in the $2000-5000 market

I’m asking for listeners’ experience in this bracket, buttressed by reviews and/or data; I am not a fan of "whatever sounds good to you." Ultimately, yes, that will be the case. But in getting to that point, I’m looking to benefit from the advantage of a thousand pairs of ears rather than mine alone. Those ears can include the inanimate. Thank you.

My experience has included my own Elac 403, Elac 407, and Dynaudio Special 40. Auditions have included various Sonus Faber, and Magico. All of this is in preparation for justifying the leap for an Electa Amator lll or its equivalent. But that’s for another day, another forum.

Ag insider logo xs@2xrichardmathes

Here are some options:

  • Atom
  • Trenner & Field -- ART
  • Totem
  • Harbeth
  • Spendor
  • Sonus Faber

Good luck!  Let us know how you do.

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As a lifelong diehard Dynaudio fan, I only very recently have gone another direction. My current lineup consisted of Dynaudio Evoke (50's. 25C, 10's-I do both audio and HT). With the recent 30% sale on Revel Performa3 I felt I had to at least give them a listen as I have never heard Revel speakers before. Heard and owned many others including B&W. Dynaudio stood far out above all the rest. Went to my local dealer and had a very long session with Revel Performa3 208's. I bought them on the spot (along with the 208C and M105's). Hard as it was for me to believe and fathom, for the first time I would no longer own Dynaudio's. If you like the Dynaudio sound have a listen to Revel. I found they had all the qualities I so loved about that sweet Dynaudio sound, and added to it. I'd never heard a speaker imnage and disappear like Dynaudio does. Revel not only does that but I can only describe their soundstage and image as 3D like. It's like listening in 3D. 


I have had the Revel's for 3 months now and they just continue to amaze me. I will be sadly listing my Evoke's and saying good bye to Dynaudio. This is not at all a knock on Dynaudio but rather a testament to Revel. If you like that Dynaudio sound just give a listen to Revel...


Best of luck and remember to enjoy the journey-that is the fun part😁! 

Are you a form follows function guy or form then function? In the price range you specified, if you insist of beaustiful woodwork and aethetics, you’ll pay over half for cabinetry finished like a 17th century restored antique. If you’re looking for the best sound, eschew the polished finish. You’ll see there this takes you.