Has anyone ever tried cables made with OCC (Ohno Continuous Cast) Copper?

I know cables made with OCC (Ohno Continuous Cast) Copper are manufactured by a few cable makers, some super expensive (neotechcable.com/) and some moderate.  Some sell bulk cable.
I'm looking at some from Ramm Audio, http://aecoustics.com.

In theory, it seems they should be better sounding.  Anyone have any experience with these?

@mceljo How many cable manufactures are out there that maintain the same exact design other than the conductor material where a true "all other things being equal" comparison can be made? I know that this is true for Iconoclast by Belden designed by Galen Gareis where, for example, there are multiple conductor options for most of the cables though they all are identical in design otherwise. Are there other options?

Yes, there are other options -

Analysis Plus has their own source of Crystal Continuous Copper and Silver with their own "Oval" patented conductor and dielectric design. They build cables for NASA and the pro audio industry too. Home audio benefits from these trickle-down designs.

Cardas Audio has their own design of continuous annealed copper sourced from their own mining operation arrangement. Their own concentric conductor and dialectric designs have been developed and refined over 3+ decades.

Own and use both. Each offer characteristics over my other boutique cables.