Kal was right!

I drove about an hour today to listen to/audition a pair of the Perlisten S7t speakers; I was very intrigued by the review in Stereophile.  I brought along a bag of CDs to play along with a KT150 tube-based integrated (most likely the unit I would use to drive them here at home).

My pair will be delivered in the week.

I wasn't really in the market for new loudspeakers, but after hearing them with my amp and then with one the distributor used, I had pretty much no choice.

If you get the chance to listen I suggest you do.


Very nice review here but we both like the all new Dynaudio Audio Focus 50 Active Wireless speakers better, our last speakers we will ever buy !


Congrats!  I love hearing stories where people hear a component and just “know” it’s right, because it’s very special and rare when it happens.  I’m a big Vandy 5a fan so would welcome your thoughts on both if you can. 

what are you using to five the Vandersteen 5As and what difference do you hear with the Perlisten speakers?

Good luck with the new speaekrs.

Congrats non your s7t's! I got lucky at axpona and walked into an empty room so I could grab the sweet spot and listen. Soundstage and imaging with the intensity of a mini monitor with bass and dynamics of a full range speaker was what I heard. A local dealer I like dropped the line tho' saying there was just too much competition at the price point. IDK, I really enjoyed them and very nearly bought a pair myself. 

Congrats on the speakers repulso and since it's a year later and you're an audiophile the burning question is do you still have them? 😆 JK and hope they are as good as you thought at first heard them at CAF last month sounding very nice.