But first consider speaker placement in the room see Get Better Sound: https://www.getbettersound.com/
Before spending more money on equipment!
Advice on Integrated Receiver
I currently have two Monitor Audio Silver 300s. I have a Cambridge Audio CAX81 (80w/ch). After reading the reviews, the speakers sound a bit underwhelming. I have a Rega P6 turntable hooked up for most of the audio content. In looking at the Max Wattage for the speakers I realize perhaps the amplifier isn't letting them breathe enough?
The speakers are rated at 200w max with recommended 80-200w RMS. Am I way off base in thinking I'm underpowering these?
What integrated receiver would you recommend to really drive these? Budget under $5k
But first consider speaker placement in the room see Get Better Sound: https://www.getbettersound.com/ Before spending more money on equipment! |
Agreed that the Mani, although a fine product in its price point, is a low performer in your system (I have one that's gathering dust). Consider upgrading to a better, more versatile phono stage? For example, any of the the Musical Surroundings Phonomena iterations, Simaudio Moon, or even Hagerman Trumpet |
Ok solve two problems at once - your integrated and your Schiity phono stage: https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649883010-luxman-l-509x-integrated-amplifier/ Fair price for this should be around $5k - $5500 all in, tops. Given the few small nicks that live on the side of this integrated. Also comes with a phono stage that will send the Schiit to the garbage 🗑️ |