What can I do between the wall and my streamer/DAC?

I have AT&T fiberoptic internet and the AT&T supplied router. I then have generic ethernet cable to the music room in the basement to the back of my Lumin T2. Is the anything I can do to make this a better sounding situation? I feel it sound very good as is, just wondering if I am leaving some goodness on the table with this set-up, Thanks, Allen.  



Fuzztone beat me to it, I second the ENO streaming package, which comes with their amazing ENO Ag LAN cable on both ends. Adding ENO would get rid of digital hash and make your T2 more musical and enjoyable. They do offer 30 days return privileges so you got nothing to lose. BTW, T2 as a streamer/DAC is an amazing performer. Add a ENO and you’re done!

PS: Just ignore the Network engineers nerds and naysayers :-) 

Probably do well to upgrade to a better Ethernet cable.  In streaming, everything matters and makes a big difference.  +1 on upgrading to ENO or the like. 

backwash OP

37 posts


Tell me about choices for better ethernet cable, thanks. 

What kind of length do you need?