What's the oddest thing in your music collection?

For me, it's a CD titled "Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin".

Yes, it's Led Zeppelin songs played by The London Philharmonic Orchestra.

It's actually quite interesting, to me anyways. For a review and sampling the music, see:

So, what's the oddballs in your collections?



If I may stretch 'oddest' to include most avant-garde: Aisha Devi's "DNA Feelings"

From the bandcamp album description:

"She is a rebel and a radical alchemist who is breaking down barriers and traversing dimensions with her art...Devi applies meditation techniques in her approach to production and performance, channeling metaphysical research, ritualistic practice and healing frequencies into an alternate club paradigm." 

A very trippy listen. Awesome bass on some tracks. Profound at high volumes. 


Like mapman, I have loads of ancient, oddball stuff I inherited from my parents. There's the 78rpm shellac of their marriage ceremony, which was broadcast on a  radio show that did that sort of thing. I have 45 rpm comedy singles. I have a passel of LP test records, both for mono and stereophonic. One compares the sound of ancient 78's to modern HiFi, It features Toscanini recordings as the latest and greatest.  Another compares 78 and mono LP recordings to recordings in that new-fangled invention Stereophonic. One of the stereo ones has London's Ceremony of the Keys that happens every night at Buckingham Palace.  I have a passel of those flexible 7" records that were sometimes included in magazines.

The first thing that comes to my mind is Hen House Five Plus Two/In the Mood. Have it on one of those Warner Bros sampler albums, I believe it is Limo. There were about 18 or 20 of them and I bought them all at the same time through Warner at a cost of $2.00 each, all double albums and they turned me on to a lot of great music and artist. Enjoy the music

A R2R tape recorded in a Chgo club that was given to me in the 70s.

Folksinger Jenny Clements, quite good, no trace of her on the WWW.

Maybe she married the bass player and changed her name permanently like Christine Perfect.