Help optimizing my streaming setup

My streaming setup is pretty simple and sounds very good right now, but I'm wondering if I can do anything between the router and the streamer to make it better.  I'm not interested in a DAC upgrade at this time.  My virtual system is not up to date.  The system is:

Verizon FIOS router>6 meter DH Labs Reunion Cat 8 ethernet cable>Aurender N100SC>Oyaide DR-510 spdif>DAC

Since I'm able to hardwire the streamer to the router, would a switch provide any benefit?  I'm aware of the Eno that some of you guys seem to like and have been looking into them.  Would an LPS for the router do anything?  Is there anything else I can do? 


I use the etherregen switch and am very happy with it.   there are quite a few of the used out there (new production is halted for an upgrade).  


A member on audiophile style recommended this. He explained only using one (just before the streamer) worked better than two (one at each end of the cable run). Very cheap, and he said it works well. I have yet to try it. @jerryg123 that converter looks like a good way to go!



I’m using a Netgear Powerline 2000, so I have a cat8 cable from the router to one of the boxes and have two cat 8 cable from the other box to my Hegel and my streamer. Would the EverStar work in this setup? Would I need more than one?


NETGEAR Powerline adapter Kit, 2000 Mbps Wall-plug, 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports with Passthrough + Extra Outlet (PLP2000-100PAS)

@riccitone quite a few of us here have gone this @juanmanuelfangioii had posted it at one time, I screen shote it and bought the setup. Very nice. 

I suppose I don't really understand this topic very well. From what I hear, I don't see why there is enough RF in the house to notice a benefit. What the the metrics on RF which is audible? Any links to research on that?

Also, I'm not sure how one of the products above, which has isolation transformers, would help, as I've heard that all ethernet connections are transformer isolated -- it's part of the design.

In other words, I don't really get why these things are needed, from a technical standpoint.