Pass Labs Speaker Choices

Hello, Just curious what everyone is using for speakers and their Pass Labs gear ?  


@shtr74sims Not sure this helps but - It’s all over the map out there - across multiple generations of "gear". To be more helpful, you are gonna need to share a little more with folks here about what model preamplifier/ amplifier and speakers you are running now. And, how big is the room?, helps give folks a better idea.

Reason why I say this - I was at a show once and heard different pass amps playing with small (well known) fairly efficient speakers and it just sounded horrible to me. A really batch match in that situation and room.  Was close to bottom of the list to my ears in comparing to 84 other room setups. Saw your post after about the DAC 60i speakers. Nice! imo, the right .8 version pass amp(s) in pairing can help make them sing! Best of Luck.

My friend has Pass x25 amp , Backert preamp , Tekton Impact Monitor, this combo sounds unbelievable, huge soundstage, transient is fast, layering is 3D , and very involving.I heard the Pass stuff last Axpona hook with cube nenuphar Speakers And $18 k Dac Tube lampizator. Very musical as well.

In my triamplified system I have a Pass Labs X150 amp amplifying Bill Fitzmaurice designed HT Tuba folded bass corner horns, a First Watt F3 amplifying Oris 150 horns with AER BD3 drivers and another First Watt F3 amplifying Fostex t900a bullet super tweeters.  All three Pass amps do a splendid job.