I'm looking to add sub-woofers to my system...

I have speakers that are single-driver, very efficient and have terrific transient response.  My concern is finding reasonably priced smaller subs that have the ability to take input from the amp output and that have fast enough transient response to keep up with my main speakers.  I'm not looking for subterranean bass response.  Just looking to augment from ~50hz down to ~the lower 30hz range.  I have a rather small listening space so the need for physically smaller subs is important.  I'd appreciate anyone with experience, to help me with matching fast subs with fast response speakers...   Thanks !  

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xliquidsound

No long interconnects, sure. There seem to be number of wireless devises that would make a crawl tested location for a single sub very easy. You’d still need a nearby VAC receptacle.

Over years of home and pro subwoofer use I’ve never heard a sub slow to react to signal even with 100’ XLR. I have experienced poor subwoofer presentation.

Consider you’ll be subjecting the source signal the time it takes to pass through the additional amplifiers I/O stage as well as any of that amplifiers frequency limitations.

All the best with your search.

Thanks for all of your thoughtful recommendations and suggestions.  I am starting my search...  Any others I might consider from your experiences would be helpful !  




why are subwoofers so expensive? I mean you can buy 2 good, budget speakers for $500 and maybe the same category subwoofer costs the same.