Convincing your local dealer to let you try speakers at home

So, I had a great experience listening to some Devore 0/96 speakers yesterday. The challenge for me is that the room I heard them in is wildly different than any other room I’d ever listen in. (I’ll share a photo, below.) I really have no idea if spending $13k plus on these speakers would work out. I’d need to try them at home.

For all I know, these dealers might be ok with me trying some speakers at home. I don’t know and am not yet ready to ask.

But I’m curious whether folks here have any stories to tell about the reactions they’ve gotten when they’ve asked to try speakers at their home. If you have a story, especially if it’s a more expensive speaker, I’d love to hear your story. How did you convince them? If they turned you down, what was the reason? Did you agree?



(1) I don’t know squat about DEVORE speakers or their dealers, Comments below reflect my general overall experiences


maybe /…. ( but it’s very dealer specific ) AND very dependent on:

(I) speaker size weight & price strata … , and only on demo or pre-owned units (nada chance on the $$$$ models boxed up, and NFC on honkin’ big size units that cannot be boxed up and fit into a trunk of an SUV)


(2) Only if the dealer has a well-established prior relationship with you and supported by a prior purchases history out there …. Not necessarily independent of $$$ …. ( Dealer rationale: too many time wasting tire kickers out there ,,,)


..,FFC ….Supply issues restricting available inventory, buyer sentiment on actually closing the deal sucks , COVID isolation threats , etc.….+ all of the other pre-COVID challenges above,

RE: Ka-Ching $$$$ models : = never … they hook them up in-store to the very best electronics and tweaks that they have available. An audition in store will provide a very decent snapshot of whether they will perform admirably at home. Otherwise sayonara (politely, of course) and I cannot blame them. It’s a tuff business to sell $$$$ inventory with a discretionary complimentary audition assistance privilege provided.
(you can test drive a car at a dealership but not take it home syndrome …)

I would suggest an audition fee if you don’t purchase, to cover their costs and time. 

I auditioned speakers at home from 4 different dealers.  One brought Magico and Wilson speakers around on separate occasions neither of which I bought.  I offered an audition fee if I did not buy which he appreciated, but in the end  I did buy a few thousand $ of cables from him.

Another loaned me two sets of Avalon that I did not buy, but I’d already bought an expensive amp and cdp from him so I was a good customer. 

Another loaned me some large Proac K series floorstanders and some Sonas Faber neither of which I bought. From him I bought two dac/streamers  I needed for a second system, giving him the business as a ‘thank you’. 

Another shipped three sets of speakers to me for home demo.  There was no cost to me, which is incredible as their shipping costs were large.  I would happily have offered to pay the shipping costs too. Anyway, I bought my final speakers from them in the end so he was happy. 

You might as well have listened on your back patio as that

room has few side wall or ceiling reflections. I would expect

it will sound worse in any room.

They idea of a Take Home Fee makes sense. If you buy it applies to

the purchase.

The dealer has to size you up as a potential risk. Unless I was 95% sure

I wanted a speaker I would not ask. 


Does the dealer have a normal sized room to listen in???


At this point you can't be 50% sure of anything. Based on the photo.





Good luck, I hope they let you do a home audition. I’ve had O96’s since early 2020. With a low power SET AMP and a Backert Rhumba in a fairly large and not yet treated but good sounding room they are mind blowing. Worth every penny.