And the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round... Have not many of you owned enough equipment to fill an entire stereo store? Have you not enjoyed all of it? Some pieces more than others. Sure. Even your first love HK 330 receiver?
It's supposed to be fun. I hired piano movers to help with my last, and very possibly just that, my last speakers I'll ever need. Up stairs and to the right boys.
After setup, they all wanted to hear them. I did not go through some languid explanation of "they're not properly broken in yet". We fired them up!
Four people positively got rowdy.....and giddy. Said they had never heard such things. Kept rotating in and out of the listening chair. Kept commenting about the dynamics, the realism. Are they audiophiles? Nope. But they were that afternoon. The pure joy of surprise of how good something could sound and move them!
The music server was rollin' for 1 hour while we moved through War, blues, Van Morrison, Marcus Miller. And then they all left with big smiles and tip money.
That was a good afternoon.