End Game Turntable suggestions

Hello all, looking for insights to help me narrow down to some core choices; I am open to new or preowned. My system details can be seen under my profile.

In summary I have significantly expanded my vinyl collection and as of now I am looking to purchase an end game turntable appropriate for my setup. As you can see I use Mola Mola Kaluga Monos, and I really like the Zesto Pre and Phonostages. I find the class D/tube pre combination very pleasing. 

I would appreciate suggestions for around $5-8K (table + arm), new or used. I will have separate budget for cartridge. One preferred option (but not must-have) is universal voltage, as I may move the unit to Europe later. My current vintage turntable (Project Perspective) is 22 years old, and while I don't know how to compare to something really amazing, I can say that my setup is lacking detail and bass. The tonearm is terrible to keep aligned. Based on visits to Axpona and Cap Audio Fest and other research, I am thinking of a few in my budget, but will really value your suggestions of other brands:

- Origin Live Sovereign

- VPI Signature

- SAM Sinner

- Thorens TD 1601 (semi automatic)

Visual appeal is important to me (which is why Technics 1200 is not on my list despite great reviews everywhere). I love the idea of set it and forget it DD tables, but unfortunately mostly out of my budget (eg VPI HW-40 going for abt 11K used)....

Sorry for the long post but my hope is this background and help solicit good suggestions. Thanks



And I will add - choosing a turntable is perhaps going to be the hardest purchase decision i have ever made :):) way too many amazing choices....what a privilege to be living in these times....

@mijostyn THANK YOU that was an amazing response and a lot to think about. Having now looked at the Basis Signature 2500 with vacuum, i am going to have sleepless nights....any idea what they fetch in used market? Thanks

If a Vacuum Clamping of the LP is wanted as a wish list and a TT offering this as a built in design is extending beyond the desired budget. There is other options to achieve a Vacuum Clamped LP.

I have had extended use of a loaned Audio Technica AT-666.

It will Clamp and Hold Vacuum for the duration of a side of a LP.

It does take a short process to achieve the Vacuum, but this period can be used in conjunction with a put in place with a Brush or Anti Static Treatment of the LP, so should not be to much addition to a pre play ritual. 

The AT-666 when used in a comparison with my selection of Platter Mats, has proved to a worthwhile addition, but is also the one that has produced the leanest presentation out of owned Metal Mats. In hindsight, I wish I had used the AT-666 as a stacked Platter Mat assembly as well to see what else could be extract from it.

A AT-666 in VGC should cost approx' £150, I have bought a Pump for £30 and will eventually acquire the mat to add to my collection.

The Design is available from other TT Brands as well, maybe having been produced by AT and rebranded. I know this has happened with AT Tonearms.

The Link is a few years old and will answer most questions.



big fan of idlers. I have two from Woodsong Audio, but complete resto would almost certainly exceed your budget.  But the one I’ve attached from Aural Hifi might work.

@musicmatters1206  I have no idea if VPI has replacement motors for the HW-40 but they probably do. It is the most expensive part of the HW-40 I am told. FWIW I have an arm lifter on mine that works great. It is the Technics one but I cannot remember the mode. It was not expensive.