Let me fill you in more on what is really going on here. All of Chris's old endeavours and websites are available to see via Internet Archive or Wayback Machine.
He claims to have invented a lubricant solution using spherical nano diamond particles. I do not know how good his product was, but the general idea is legit. Microscopic NM size particles which can polish and plate the insides of bearings and engines is not an original concept and there is many successfully products that do this.
In 2006-2012 he had a series of nano diamond lubricant products (under the names NanoLube, DiamondLube, QuantumCoat) targeting the automotive markets with oil additives, armament industry with gun/knife lubricants e.t.c
But this is a heavily saturated and competitive market. So in late 2021 Chris discovered the Audiophile world, with its huge margins, 10x markup, and saw easy green pastures. So he pulled all his previous retail products, and now just does audio only. A $20 power cable with nano diamond coating on the prongs for $1500 e.t.c
I sincerely hope the product is good and this is a superior contact enhancer solution for audiophiles. But Chris past history, and how he has acted here, so far show all the signs of him being a grifter. The fact he has pulled the contact enhancer product and is now just selling $4000 power cables and a soon to be released line of fuses (which will be $1 fuses with the contact goop polished into them) shows where this is all going.