Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to

Norah Jones is the darling of Jazz and Audiophile press for a few years.  I've heard her albums, maybe even bought one.  Look, being a musical artist is hard as hell and I can't do it, but I realize in listening to others talk about her that I'm missing something special while listening to her.

Please, without wanting to pile on her, if you love her tell me why.  What has you going about Miss Jones that makes her a standout? No wrong answers.


jerryg123 you knocked one out of the park with that She and Him song for sure. There is another post about Diana Krall just above yours and he seems to agree but sadly I can not... I love her singing and her husband Elvis Costello not bad either sometimes but not in the same class as her.

@frankmc195 That is what makes the world so colorful. We all like what we like. 

Music is the thread that brings us together. 

Glad you liked She & Him.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


I’m sure that some day I’ll come around to Norah Jones. She’s not bad just meh. Saying that one of my favorites is her duet with Ray Charles.



I have come to adore Linda Ronstadt so I’m sure there’s hope.

Check out Rhiannon Giddens With Francesco Turrisi – There Is No Other


Lady Blackbird – Black Acid Soul