Classical music newbie needs your suggestions

I purchased around 300 like new classical albums last summer. Music from a wide range of composers. I also purchased around the same amount of operas. (I may sell those).

I’m finally retired and able to pursue a lifelong desire to understand and enjoy classical music.

Pieces that move you to tears, or pluck heart strings. Your all time favorites.
The albums you’d take to that desert island.
Any suggestions are welcome.


Mahler's First and Fourth Symphonies. Tunes. Drama. Worlds so real you find yourself walking around in them. Planet Earth in music. And yeah, Bernstein is a pretty good bet.

Chopin's Piano Etudes played by Maurizio Pollini. Things don't get much more virtuosic, passionate and romantic. Chopin and Pollini wear their hearts & souls proudly on their sleeves.

BTW, there's no math in these works. No intellectual concepts to tackle. Just stories told in music, with a few thrill rides thrown in to add spice..

All of Beethoven that is not the 9 Symphonies. Duos, Trios,  String Quartets,  There is so much in those categories and they make a wonderful way to ease yourself into classical music.

The symphonies of British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams as conducted by Sir Adrian Boult are worth exploring! Symphony No.2 the "London" is particularly beautiful!