Vitus versus Gryphon

In general, What’s distinct differences and similarities between Vitus integrates amps and Gryphon?
Perhaps, Vitus ri-101 and Gryphon Diablo-120. 
 Thank you
supermerio:  are you running the Vitus in A or A/B mode?  I've heard that the Vitus loses some of it's magic in A/B.  If there is a Vitus dealer out there I'm curious if the RI-101 is better than the SIA-025 or SIA-03 if you have to run the latter in A/B mode.

ilisten mostly in
a/b as i like the brighter and more
aggressive type of presentation it brings to the
music i listen to, it livens up the leading edges of
of guitars,trumphets, violins etc. If iwant a more 
intimate vocal and liquid presentation; i switch to
class a.

It was actually a choice between sia 025 or the r100
seperates. I did have a little bit of remourse as i should
have gone to seperates since i heard it has a
much better slam and a bit lower noise floor.

I have owned the Diablo 300 for a year and can tell you it was a very bad match for my Thiel CS 3.7 speakers.

If your speakers tend to be bright than don’t buy the Diablo 300 you will regret it as i did.

Vitus is much more musical, liquid sounding and has a lot of finesse as opposed to the Diablo 300.

Buy Gryphon only if your speakers are very smooth like Sonus Faber.

I now went the Vitus route with an SIA-025 Mk2 and am very happy.