End Game Turntable suggestions

Hello all, looking for insights to help me narrow down to some core choices; I am open to new or preowned. My system details can be seen under my profile.

In summary I have significantly expanded my vinyl collection and as of now I am looking to purchase an end game turntable appropriate for my setup. As you can see I use Mola Mola Kaluga Monos, and I really like the Zesto Pre and Phonostages. I find the class D/tube pre combination very pleasing. 

I would appreciate suggestions for around $5-8K (table + arm), new or used. I will have separate budget for cartridge. One preferred option (but not must-have) is universal voltage, as I may move the unit to Europe later. My current vintage turntable (Project Perspective) is 22 years old, and while I don't know how to compare to something really amazing, I can say that my setup is lacking detail and bass. The tonearm is terrible to keep aligned. Based on visits to Axpona and Cap Audio Fest and other research, I am thinking of a few in my budget, but will really value your suggestions of other brands:

- Origin Live Sovereign

- VPI Signature

- SAM Sinner

- Thorens TD 1601 (semi automatic)

Visual appeal is important to me (which is why Technics 1200 is not on my list despite great reviews everywhere). I love the idea of set it and forget it DD tables, but unfortunately mostly out of my budget (eg VPI HW-40 going for abt 11K used)....

Sorry for the long post but my hope is this background and help solicit good suggestions. Thanks



Not only what Tablejockey says but also the motor of any TT is usually its most reliable component and is the last thing I would worry about if purchasing an expensive well made new TT.  Proper lubrication is all you need worry about, every few years.

A brand not that popular here yet in NA is Acoustic Solid out of Germany. they have been around for over a decade now and build tables that are very well made. I went from a VPI prime 21 to one of Acoustic solids tables, actually less money then the VPI and I have to say its better made and sounds as good if not better. may want to do a google search and have a look. 

I was disappointed with the prime 21 it had too many issues from the factory (arm wand not straight, lift not working and motor issues)  the workmanship was not up to the standard I'd expect for the money spent. Much happier with the Accost Solid table so much better made for the money IMO.  


I think you have a great question. Given the high quality of your other equipment, I think you are correct in really giving it some thought. 

Are you at all drawn to traditional high end? Sota and Linn can offer contemporary performance with tradition. Alternatively, you can go more contemporary. Then there is sprung vs massive tables  that tend to have a characteristic sound. Also, given the quality of your other components… I am not sure your budget is a bit small. If you really want a spectacular table, I would recommend something in the $10K range. Sorry, I’ll have to revisit your speakers. 

Anyway, your thoughts on your inclinations? 

+1 @lewm regarding SP10 MK3.

Mine was in 99% new condition, chip upgraded and serviced by JP, resides in a panzerholz plinth, and I can’t say I’ve hear it bettered. 

I am surprised no one here mentions two tonearm TTs.


Acoustic Solids Video of their production is impressive.

I already posted this two arm version with minimalist look


many acoustic models are listed on hifishark


looking at their designs, it is possible a second arm could be added to some models, now or the future.