I think they measure something, but I've never seen of one fixing a problem a user could hear.
I've heard of users who could hear LED power supply problems, didn't need a meter though, it was pretty audible.
@larryi - It is exactly this sort of issue why I don’t put a lot of faith in dedicated circuits or heavy duty wiring for noise reduction. I use Furmans which have filtration down to around 3kHz. Not perfect but a lot better than pure EMI/RFI filters. I wouldn’t mind having a dedicated circuit for the sake of power stability but my regulator does a very good job. |
Can anyone advise a EMI tester brand/price they bought and like? Sounds like a worthwhile device.
Another thought-With all the information on how to bring good power to your system it is bothersome to learn of Larry's LED on separate line issue. What's a person to do???
Thanks to you all for the experience sharing!
@tony1954 Genius. |