Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?

I don’t understand why so many people are spending so much money building the ultimate streaming system? I guess I am just out of touch… Would love to hear some reasons streaming is so dominant today.



That is thoughtful and well stated. It seems to me that the really successful and innovative audio designers and manufacturers have a more “scientist” curiosity and open mind. They recognize what they can’t easily explain or understand and seek out the why?
Actually more humble and displaying humility rather than a know it all arrogance and dogma. You often learn more by acknowledging what you do not know and exploring further and deeper. Science seems to concede that there are no absolutes.


... there’s really no effective reasoning with this rigid mindset.

I agree completely, and would only add that some some clearly come here specifically to argue and pontificate.


and would only add that some some clearly come here specifically to argue and pontificate.



i just got a wiim mini airplay2 on amazon for $89 and connected it to a $150 smsl su-6 dac. now, i'm not one of these all-digital-sounds-the-same guys, and i trust those dropping megabucks on their streamers are satisfied, but i'm hard pressed to see spending alot more for incremental improvements.