Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?

I don’t understand why so many people are spending so much money building the ultimate streaming system? I guess I am just out of touch… Would love to hear some reasons streaming is so dominant today.


... there’s really no effective reasoning with this rigid mindset.

I agree completely, and would only add that some some clearly come here specifically to argue and pontificate.


and would only add that some some clearly come here specifically to argue and pontificate.



i just got a wiim mini airplay2 on amazon for $89 and connected it to a $150 smsl su-6 dac. now, i'm not one of these all-digital-sounds-the-same guys, and i trust those dropping megabucks on their streamers are satisfied, but i'm hard pressed to see spending alot more for incremental improvements.

“but i'm hard pressed to see spending alot more for incremental improvements.”

Good to know you find your streaming outlay satisfactory. I am curious how much investment you have in your Turntable / Cart and phonostage? 


The two factors that are frequently ignored in the streamer space, beyond the 1's and 0's, are noise and jitter. These are real factors in hardware design and in the end audio quality. Especially jitter. It is undeniable that the clocking of the signal is critical to delivering good, focused sound.

If you understand that then you should also understand that the product of noise and jitter is distortion. And the levels of distortion that are audible can be measured and have been known for many decades. And almost all digital devices are below those distortion levels. No one disputes that humans can't hear 50kHz. Why do people dispute that they can hear inaudible distortion?