New SL1210GR enroute. Need cart recommendations

I'm getting ready to send my Fluance RT85 back. It has the Ortofon 2M Blue. I've been using their preamp but I have a Vincent PHO-300 on the way. Amp is a Willsenton R8. Speakers are Joseph Audio RM25XL.

What should I be looking at for a cartridge? Who or where should I be looking as a vendor?

I don't listen to Rap or Classical but everything else is on the table. I'm sending the Fluance back because I had a new album (Amos Lee 45 master from Acoustic Sounds) with sibilance on two tracks. As I read about the possible causes of sibilance, it led to to different tables. The 1210GR seemed to be well regarded.

Thanks for any help. 


CONGRATS ON A TOP TIER IF.  NOT THE. BEST MOST RELIABLE TT MONEY CAN GET. DEPENDING ON USE every 1-2 years remove platter and plastic piece below (if new models have this) remove spindle assemble, remove scrip pin, remove spindle,  clean off any old oil w clean rag, add 2-3 drops on spindle and any moving  parts. wipe down everything and use compressed air for rest. Assemble. Bam good for another 2 years. I recommend shell rotella synthetic.    1 quart will last you 20 years. 


Ortofon Nightclub. Its been upgraded. The sound is tight bass with great mid and natural highs. Thats what i use on my sl-1200mkii

concorde. Night club mk ii. Excellent soundalso use stanton d6800 el

ortofon Arkiv concorde for highs boost and fecording my LPs to hd then cd.
and stanton trackmaster spherical styli n

audio technica atp-2 from time to time.

Before I looked up those just mentioned, I was going to say, up to $700 or so. Those mentioned are less than $200.

Why are the Ortofon M line so expensive?

I wasn't expecting to see any love for anything under $1000, let alone under $100.

Now I'm worried that sending back the Fluance with the 2M Blue is going to be a mistake...




More money, brass and teak wood, African gangle wood, electrobiohazard coating with ferrofluid filled ofc wires,…


u don’t need to go nuts for a great deep sound.
i had the Ortofon x5-mc, way too mild for me.

when I hooked up the Concorde nightclub II, aaahhhhh, Malmsteen came to life

imstill use my old ADC shoes on a headshell once in a while.

I love my concorde headshells, high output, rich not boomy bass, nice mids, and awesome highs.

I know they have upgraded the nightclub to an even higher level than the few years old ones I use. They are very good carts!

buy one, if you don’t like it return it.

the Arkiv is,not,made anymore, I don’t think,….works wonders for highs when recording to hd, then ran through audiolab 3.0 then burned to a nice cd.

It’s very subjective and system dependent, but I’ve found the Nagaoka MP500 to be superb.....nude fine line profile on a boron cantilever. CDJapan offers the best pricing I’ve seen....currently $606.

What speakers are you using?