Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!

Is it just me, or is it total nonsense when YouTubers play music to suggest you can hear a difference between components. Totally drives me crazy and I discount anything they have to offer from that point on......


Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. - -Arthur Schopenhauer

No way on Gods green earth can anyone accertain anything from these videos.

And on facebook.  When someone posts a video of their speakers I respond that they sound just like Laptop speakers to me.

After Noromance comments on this thread I wish there was a block feature on this site.

Philosophical question: if a YT video plays two speakers, rotating between the two with the same system and room and recording, say for example a small book shelf speaker and a large floor stander, can you hear differences? If so, are they real?  Or Meaningful?

I also hear a lot of this criticism couched as ‘there’s no way people can hear a difference on YT videos over their crappy phone or computer speakers.’ Is this how everyone listens to YT videos or are there other options?  What if people aren’t using crappy phone or computer speakers but something like a $1500 Fiio Audiophile player and a $1000 pair of headphones. Can they hear a difference then?

I was going to ask the same thing. Even my mid-fi computer set up using Klipsch PM41s via USB from my iMAC can be very revealing provided the recording is of high enough quality.

On the better ones, it's' quite easy to hear differences. Consistently. Why do I get the impression there's a lot of really cheap "audiophiles" out there, pissed off at the world?

All the best,