Amp for Vandersteen 2ci

Hi all, I am planning on upgrading my amp for my Vandersteen 2ci. I am looking for an amp with a little more power and with a budget at 2k. I currently have the B&K ST2140 amp with a Rotel RC-970BX preamp which I went to RC-995 preamp with balanced output. Their are a few amp I was thinking in no particular order:

Classe CA-200

Threshold Audio S-300

Parasound Halo A21

Krell KAV 250a

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

Does the Parasound 21+ an improvement from the 21? I am trying to get as much info before I decide.

From what I’ve read, the 21 is a significant step up over the 23, and the 21+ is a meaningful upgrade over the 21. I’d guess you can get a 21+ used for not all that much more than a 21, so that’s where I’d go without a doubt FWIW.

@highend64 is that a step up from the B&K?
(Or a sideways step… aka sidestep?)

if you do not have a subwoofer, then I would suggest that it could/should be a better, or more sure improvement, than just swapping amps.


Not sure about your preamp, but they can also be a source of improvement… so I’ll just assume that your’s is a keeper.