Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!

Is it just me, or is it total nonsense when YouTubers play music to suggest you can hear a difference between components. Totally drives me crazy and I discount anything they have to offer from that point on......


When a YouTube developer used this tactic to demonstrate a piece of equipment, all faith in his ability to review Hifi gear goes out the window and he is unsubscribed. 

Its not about bit rate… its about the recording microphone being used and the playback equipment on the other end. No way on Gods green earth can anyone accertain anything from these videos.

The first sentence is the key point, but the second is false. With really good recording microphones, one certainly can ascertain some important things. Take the example linked below. It features the highly regarded Wolf von Langa speakers, and even over Youtube, if you are listening through half-way decent desktop speakers (or headphones), the impressive speed and impact of field-coil drivers reproduction are clearly evident.

Wolf von Langa

The AMT (Air Motion Transformer) tweeters are also superb (I have them on my FinkTeam KIM speakers), and are on display through the same excellent microphones here:

WvL AMT tweeters

Always been a pet peeve of mine regarding high end audio. Lots of discussion about hearing a “difference”. Many thousands are spent to hear a difference without regard to whether the “difference” is also an improvement. 

Changing the sound of a system is easy. Improving it isn’t. Mostly because it’s an eye-of-the-beholder kind of thing. No other pair of ears can make that determination but you. Add In confirmation bias and the challenge grows from there. 

The first sentence is the key point, but the second is false. 

If you can decern a difference between two highly regarded pieces of HiFi equipment, after being recorded by even an extreme high end microphone into some type of recorded medium, through the internet, through routers, and ultimately played back through more routers and audio equipment.......Then something is really wrong with one or both of the devices being auditioned.....We have a hard time decerning "differences" of better HiFi equipment when we are in the same room with them!.....Yes, we can easily decern over the internet, the cry of a lion to that of an elephant......But Higher End HiFi gear....PLEASE!!!