You can do a heck of a lot better in digital then nagar for less$$ and easill6 compete or beat SME setup
the new Denafrips 12 anniversary Terminator +, the Excellent T&A 200 Dac
or Holo springs May KTE , beat the nagar with Ease. , hook these up
especially the T&A dac with Roon , and on the back end Have HQ player running
with a sufficient high end fast server ,it then turns your digital withSuper powerful
DSP that sounds state of the art that you can Taylor the sound exactly to your taste
vinyl is not even close which btw can only produce 12 bits ,when top digital
can reach true 20 bits plus the DSP power once you take the time to learn all the possibilities. Until you have tried this ,you cannot comment on it it’s platform is built into Roon , and T&A designed the200dac around HQ player with many filters and dithering options , it’s free for 2 weeks check it out .great digital is here !