Best amp for Salon 2

I am new here and working on my first setup. I was able to find an excellent deal on Salon 2 as the shop was getting rid of floor displays. Unfortunately they only carry Anthem STR and Mark Levinson in pre-amp and amp. I just heard Anthem and they sounded good. Mark Levinson is significantly expensive. Looking at the specs I could not make out much difference. This set up is going to last for years for me. Are there any better amps out there for Salon 2 ? I would prefer to stay below $25K. 


Krell Solo 575 XD Mono-Block For Sale | Audiogon

Krell Duo 300 XD Stereo Power Amplifier; S... For Sale | Audiogon

I was going to pull the trigger on the 575XD mono blocks listed above. I recently owned 2 lower powered variants of that same new XD model so I know exactly what I would be buying. However, I thought it would take up too much space, so I bought CODA #16 instead. Which I also know well from owning the CODA #8.

I owned the Revel Salon 1 for a long time with Bryston 7B-SST. It was good and the bass was unreal. However, I know the KRELL XD or the CODA #8 or #16 would have been better. Especially so with the Salon 2 which has the BE tweeter.

The amps I listed are warmer than the Anthem you are considering or my old Bryston. The Anthem would not be my choice for a BE driver. Parasound A21+ is a good sonic match and cheaper but not as refined as the 2 I recommend.

zesto eros tube amplifiers would be amazing with them


also coda.8 a suberb 400 wat stereo amplifier with the provision to have the amp rebiased for more class A power in the future



Dave and Troy

audio intellect nj

zesto and coda dealers

Thank you all. These are some solid recommendations in this thread. I will wait for another day and then pull the trigger based on the recommendations. 

First congrats on a fantastic speaker. They are too great to be built today. But there are two issues. 1. They need power. I use a Storm 8-channel in bridged mode which can give them each about 800 W at eight ohm. More is better. There is no limit. 2. They need to be eq’ed to give a flat response in a normal room. Mostly the bass. I use Dirac and Roon eq. If not you will never understand how good they are…

Always heard more good clean power the better with them. High current, high watt, high damping factor is what I would be looking for. I’ve never heard a person recommend a tube amp with these speakers (if you listen loud at all) except AudioTroy above. Never know I guess.There are lots of stories of people with 250/300 watts saying it’s not optimal and I would tend to agree as they are really big and really not efficient compared to most big speaks. 

When I heard them they were on monster monos although I cannot recall what it was (maybe a big Bryston) and they were really good although a little dry.