All of this is happening with only 30 hrs of play. I can't wait to hear how they evolve after 100 or 200 hrs on them. And I have not even started to adjust toe-in or change spikes and footers or distance from the wall. I can say that everything I have read and videos that I have watched on youtube are true. I have a feeling this is going to be a fun journey with these speakers !!!
Needless to say, you’re off to an excellent start.😊
At only 30 hours you have considerably more speaker (And frankly amplifier) burn-in to go. That you are so happy with what you’re hearing already is very encouraging. Congratulations on your wise and successful Nenuphar acquisition.
It would be very interesting if once the Nenuphars are fully settled in you could try a low power tube amplifier. Just to contrast with your S.I.T.-3 amplifier. Just a thought.