Want to add vinyl to my system.

Hello all, 

I have an all digital system with a Lumin x1 streamer, Oppo 203, B&W speakers, Classe Sigma SSP, and Mac 611’s.  I want to now add vinyl into my system abd need a new turntable and phono stage.  I have been considering the Rega 8 or 10.  What do you think of the Rega’s, and which phono stage would you recommend?


I put together my first analog system since my last system 20 years ago. I did so over eight months and learned a lot, but spent many times what I expected. I only had 150 albums when I set out to build a system. In the end I ended up with a fantastic analog and digital system, but to do so, I spent almost twice on the analog vs digital. If I include the next 150 albums, the difference is even greater.

Was it worth it? Would I do it the same if I were starting over today, one year later? I’m not sure. I started out with a belief that analog was a better, more musical reproduction. I discovered that digital reproduction could rival, or almost rival analog. So, the question that you might ask yourself is, what would your digital side sound like after putting that analog money into upgrading your digital.

You don't need to spend a fortune. Use LPs sound better than most audiophile reissues. Re: Turntable and Phono stage...just buy used.


Personally I prefer turntables that use a detachable headshells. It makes changing, aligning and handling cartridges so much easier. 

Get the best turntable and phono stage you can afford.