End Game Turntable suggestions

Hello all, looking for insights to help me narrow down to some core choices; I am open to new or preowned. My system details can be seen under my profile.

In summary I have significantly expanded my vinyl collection and as of now I am looking to purchase an end game turntable appropriate for my setup. As you can see I use Mola Mola Kaluga Monos, and I really like the Zesto Pre and Phonostages. I find the class D/tube pre combination very pleasing. 

I would appreciate suggestions for around $5-8K (table + arm), new or used. I will have separate budget for cartridge. One preferred option (but not must-have) is universal voltage, as I may move the unit to Europe later. My current vintage turntable (Project Perspective) is 22 years old, and while I don't know how to compare to something really amazing, I can say that my setup is lacking detail and bass. The tonearm is terrible to keep aligned. Based on visits to Axpona and Cap Audio Fest and other research, I am thinking of a few in my budget, but will really value your suggestions of other brands:

- Origin Live Sovereign

- VPI Signature

- SAM Sinner

- Thorens TD 1601 (semi automatic)

Visual appeal is important to me (which is why Technics 1200 is not on my list despite great reviews everywhere). I love the idea of set it and forget it DD tables, but unfortunately mostly out of my budget (eg VPI HW-40 going for abt 11K used)....

Sorry for the long post but my hope is this background and help solicit good suggestions. Thanks



I think the Thorens or the Rega with the best cartridge you can afford is the way to go. Saving $2400 on the Thorens adds that much to the cartridge kitty. If you can get into something like the Ortofon Windfeld Ti or the Lyra Kleos you would be living high off the hog. 

As for your dream Turntable the suspended Motus or SME are handily better than the others. The Sota Cosmos Vacuum outperforms all of them. It has a magnetic thrust bearing, a state of the art drive system, a proper suspension, vacuum clamping and a really great dust cover that can and should be used during play. If you want fancy looking the Basis Inspiration is the way to go. It will cost you three times as much as the Sota for very similar performance. David Fletcher and AJ Conte were big friends. They were both engineers who loved audio. 

@mijostyn in your view it makes sense to pair a 4K TT (Thorens 1601) with a 5K cartridge? Many pundits seem to say that if the table isn't super high end, you cant benefit from this level of cart. Very curious, I am coming from an Ortofon Bronze MM so not familiar with super highend in the cart space....

(Thorens 1601) with a 5K cartridge? Many pundits seem to say that if the table isn't super high end, you cant benefit from this level of cart."

Other than the Rega in you final four lineup, consider the Audio Technica ART line for LOMC. Plenty of praise in reviews/forums. Maybe a "Best" in performance/price.

ART Series - Line Series - Cartridges | Audio-Technica

If you go Rega P10 use Apheta/Aphelion MC to keep with the Rega philosophy of minimal fuss with setup/adjustment.

You'll likely be satisfied with any of your choices. I'd probably go with the no fuss P10 and call it a day. 

Happy listening with your final pick. Always fun to have a new addition to the setup.



@musicmatters1206 , It all depends on the design of the turntable. Forget about price. There are many super expensive tables that are not designed as well as the Thorens  or the RP10 for that matter. It is really not that expensive to make a decent turntable or tonearm. Once these meet a certain level of performance it is all about the cartridge. Over the past year I have studied many cartridges under high magnification. It became obvious that the more expensive cartridges have better styluses and are constructed more carefully. I have absolutely no doubt that you are better off putting the money in the cartridge. The Ortofon Windfeld Ti or the Lyra Kleos will handily outperform a Hana whatever in either turntable.

Thanks a lot. Lyra Kleos looks closer to possibility budget-wise. Interesting read on Lyra series.