Mcintosh Quality after buyout by D&M holdings

I am wanting to upgrade my amplifier and a local dealer is trying to sway me to Parasound with the argument that Mcintosh hasn't been the same since D&M Holdings bought them in 2008. I know it has changed hands once more and it looks like again pretty soon. I currently have a MC150 and want to upgrade to a bigger amp, maybe a MC352 or MC402. My speakers are Dynaudio Signature C1's and I recently bought a C50 preamp. Also, are there other amps that would perform better with the C1's than Mcintosh?
I have had the C1s with a Mac 352 and C2300 for about two years and am In heaven. These are the original C1s not the series 2 and do need power. The 352 is a great amp and great bargain. Talk to Mike at Audio Classics
I have had upgraded many generation of Mcintosh system for the last 30 years, every new generation sound better than the last one. I kept most of them for the comparison purpose.
FYI - On October 8, 2012, Fine Sounds SpA of Milan, Italy announced it had purchased McIntosh Lab.