My PerfectWave dac is working!

My PWD is NOT working!!!

I tried connecting the dac, with a cd transport connected via coaxial, to my preamp via balanced and rca cables. No sound.

I was thinking the problem was with the preamp. So, I connected the PWD directly to my monoblocks. No sound either via rca or xlr!


The unit is on, and appears to be fully operable. Is this an audio gremlin, or are there problems with these pwd’s that I’m not aware of.

I purchased this unit brand new and have used it sparingly because I use vinyl a lot.

I’ve run out of solutions. Can anyone help?


Call Boulder tommorow. They will probably have suggestions.

Try a cold reboot to renew the handshake.

There have been multiple DACs labelled PerfectWave for over a decade.  You're going to have to be specific.


I assume thats PS Audio not Boulder. And yes try all of the inputs you can it may be a bad input. Also is there a mute feature that may be engaged?