I am confused. You say "it images just fine...but again, no soundstage. Well, imaging IS soundstage. I think you have to define what you mean by imaging and what you mean by soundstage.
when i had a previous system at our other house, it was in a more open area, cathedral ceilings and that system had the center imaging, separation of instruments and many times it played well beyond the speakers. when listening to the music, and you hear this a lot....you get the sense of being there. this is the part that i am missing. yes, i have the vocals in the center and maybe a cymbal will sound like its coming from further back, but that is it. i
i will try to move the speakers out more and see what happens....but kinda limited as the speaker cables are only 8 ft.
Try diffusers behind your listening chair (back wall), and the absorbers at first reflection points. Basically reverse what you have now.
I think you said "no toe-in", which is typically what is suggested when you want bigger soundstage (vs. focus), so you should be good there.
acoustical panels i can move, but these diffusors you cant hang on the wall.....so for that to happen , would have to order ones that can be.
i get that toe in is suggested, but it doesnt sound good that way and i did just a tiny bit yesterday ....and its possible that these speakers dont require toe in . when i had the system at the other house, those speakers ( magnepan 2.6qrs ) had no toe in and they sounded great.