i get that toe in plays a part....but if toe in sounds terrible, which i have said it does, then why toe them in ?
if i go wider, then it just sounds like 2 speakers playing and have no center imagining at all.
@bshaw , I don’t make any claims whatsoever to know a whole lot on this subject, but from what you have typed your room, your speakers, and you do not like toe-in. Therefore, I wouldn’t toe them in. As far as the width of the speakers and imaging, it also sounds to me as if you need to space them at a distance where you are hearing a precise center image.
There are some test CDs that have tracks by Doug Sax & Rodger Skoff, and on one of them they do this in phase/out of phase thing: "in phase, my voice should be centered precisely between your two speakers. . . ." and "out of phase, my voice should have no apparent center, no apparent focus, it should sound like it is coming from all around the room, move your speakers a little bit at a time to enhance this effect, the less focus you have when out of phase, the more focus you will have when in phase. . . ." That might be helpful to you.