Luxman 590AX II Break-In

Hello all, and happy holidays,

To those with experience, how many hours of a break-in are necessary to make the Luxman sing? I have about 175 hours, and my bass is less than stellar. Also, there is not a luscious midrange (yet). I have read epic reviews but have not experienced that thus far. What should I expect over time? Getting a little worried!




Thank you! I aim to move to larger speakers when I move into a permanent residence. The Mac is the end game for me. The next project will be power cords, interconnect, and speaker cables. 

OP, Congradulations!


You have made a big step forward. It sounds like you did your research and found the sound that matches your aesthetic. And, I am pretty sure, lack of bass is not an issue. To my surprise I found the most recent Luxman lacking in punch and warmth as well. Enjoy… but I am sure you are.

Have to agree on room acoustics, try hanging thick blankets on the walls and bring as many cushions you can find in the room and try leaning them against the walls at different heights. One day while the wife was out I set the room up with all this temporary treatments. I couldn’t believe the difference. Needless to say I bought 6 24x48 x 1inch panels at $100 a pop. Best $600 I’ve spent on my system yet. 
Costs nothing to experiment. Good Luck. 😎

System update

The Luxman is gone. The McIntosh C2700/MC 611s sound glorious with the KEFs. The bass is easily 300% better. I could probably convince some that I am using a sub. 

The moral of this story is that room acoustics had nothing to do with the bass. It was the inability of the Luxman to drive the power-hungry KEFs. This fact was verified at a dealer also. I also tried the 509X at the dealer into the KEFs, there was a slight improvement, but neither of the integrateds had enough juice to drive them properly. Only the M10X could. The dealer also agreed.