Anyone else have issues with Tidal?

I have a constant issue with Tidal.  While listening to an album or a radio station Tidal exits after 3 or 4 tracks, just as if I clicked on exit Tidal. I don't have this with any other streaming app, Pandora, etc. I have written to Customer Service and Tech Support 6 times. They never reply. Worst Customer Service I have ever seen.  Thanks, Peter


I gave up on Tidal a while back. Had both Qb and Tidal did head to head and Tidal lost. Also gave up on Roon and I am a lifetime owner….

Wish I could help you. 

The only issue I have with Tidal is if I am using 2 devices at once.  Many times I'm using Roon radio at home, then go and drive with Tidal in the car and it seems to disconnect often then.

Great opportunity to try Qobuz if it’s available where you live.  I switched from Tidal a few years ago and never looked back, and I’m far from alone here.  Don’t recall anyone switching from Qobuz to Tidal, ehem.