Keces da-131, any reviews or thoughts?

I'm in the market for a DAC to go with my Parasound Model 2100 preamp and a Wadia iTransport, if it ever ships. I don't want to spend more than $300-400 either new or used. Does any of you own a Keces Dac. The reviews I have seen from the Headphone crowd look good, but wondering how it works in a main setup. For that matter, can you get a quality DAC under $400. Don't really want to spend more.

Got to ebay search box and type VALAB. I just purchased the unit myself.
I use Valab's solid-silver interconnect, and don't feel a need to change it-even though it sits among Oritek X-2 and APL solid-silver MKIV interconnects. Oritek's DAC is a little over $400(if you can get it), and we've used it at recent BAAS events.