New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)

Here is some info on the new MOFI/Jones speaker:



I wrote on this thread that I own The Mofi Sourcepoint 10's. They sound fantastic. It amazes me that people endorse or criticize them if they did not hear them. It is hard to believe speakers at any cost can sound this good. Maybe it is because Andrew Jones developed speakers that have sound coming from one point, and not several drivers trying to correctly blend sound before it hits the ears.

A lot of high end audio is hype, and a lot of people listen to reviews and buy into the hype.  I heard the Mofi's at the Capital Audio Show and they blew me away. Before passing judgement, wait until you hear them from a dealer or from someone who bought them. They are dynamic and live sounding as hell. I think the Sourcepoint 10's are game changers, and are a threat to high end audio. 


The SourcePoint 10 review (and measurements) is up on the Stereophile site now.

t amazes me that people endorse or criticize them if they did not hear them.


Even more mind boggling: over on sites like Jay’s Audio Lab, where he has posted a number of "demo videos" of the SourcePoint 10s, the comment section is filled with people actually thinking they can evaluate the speaker, and give their conclusions, over youtube!


Yeah if YOU really think that you will be able to tell how these speakers will sound in YOUR room via  YouTube video then best to you. Tell us all how this works out


That S..ts funny to me someone would take stock on speaker sound quality from a recording of a speaker played through different speakers. 

“hey Bob did you hear doze new Wilson Maxx 54s on the YouTuber! Man that s..t was amazin! Gonna get me a pair of dem”


just kiddin. MAYBE you can get a general voicing signature from those videos but other than that……..