Does Raysonic CD128 need to be on top shelf?

Wondering about this CDP. I currently have a Rega Planet 2000 that's not on the top shelf. (The TT, of course, sits up top.) There's enough room -- and a tad more -- for the Rega. Might a Raysonic work in such a space, or does it absolutely need to be on the top shelf? Thanks.
Handling that large cover and then placing the puck on the cd is a real annoyance. Especially if you place the player on a shelf other than the top.
I have my 128 on the bottom shelf of my cabinet and it is not much inconvenience to remove and replace the puck/cover and change cds. But it's nice to have good space above. I have 6-8 inches of clearance above.
have my 168 on the top of a three shelf rack..just perfect turntable height and playing a CD reminds me of when I used to spin vinyl.