Audiphile Press: Am I jaded, experienced, or has it declined?

I remember Audio, Stereophile and TAS as an older teen getting me excited about music reproduction and technology. Getting out to listen to speakers and find gear I could afford to take me to music Nirvana.

I still like the gear, still like talking about it, comparing tech, sharing experiences and advice, but I can’t remember the last time I really thought "wow, that’s good writing!"

How about you?

Has too much press devolved to covering only the most expensive gear?  Do we lack better international gear coverage?  Does it all look like it could be easily written by an AI chat bot?


Still get Stereophile, but the thrill is gone. Too much space devoted to gear I have no interest in, ( streaming, dacs, TT and carts. that cost more than my truck.....) The music reviews are given short shrift, as well as the letters to the editor that I used to enjoy. Used to devour the new issue as soon as it arrived, now I have them pile up. Guess Im old......

Also just occurred to me there was stronger yea or nay opinions, lots of context. Today's professional reviewers far more reticent, don't want to offend, still, with knowledge of reviewer reading between the lines is possible at times.

Not to denigrate the writers I don't list here, but I enjoy the heck out of reading Robert Harley, Michael Fremer, Tony Cordesman, Julie Mullins, and Robert Deutsch. John Atkinson can be a little too methodical & cautious for me, but I appreciate his scholarship & knowledge. In any case, I have no problem with the current crop of Hi End commentators.


Then again, I guess we'll never replace Hairy Person's gushy, "Ooohh! Dusty's voice this!" "Dusty's voice that!"

I have subscriptions to TAS & Stereophile, but I am not going to renew them when they expire. I find that when the copy of either one comes in the mail , I sit down breeze threw it for an hour or so and then dump it in the recycle bin. The reviews are all predictable; and while I’m not a vinyl guy, once both rolled over with soft pedaled interviews of the Mofi album issue , and essentially alibied for them I had enough. I occasionally will google search for a review on something I am interested in , but only for some general information and ignore the normal over the top evaluation

Who's going to be brave enough and ask chatGPT to review a pair of expensive speakers?!