What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V?

Thinking about the possibility of searching for a new tonearm. The table is a SOTA Cosmos Eclipse. Cartridge currently in use is a Transfiguration Audio Proteus, and it also looks like I will also have an Ortofon Verismo if a diamond replacement occurs without incident. 

The V is an early generation one but in good condition with no issues. Some folks never thought highly of the arm, others thought it quite capable. So it's a bit decisive. 

The replacement has to be 9 to 10.5 inches. I have wondered if Origin Live is worth exploring? Perhaps a generation old Triplanar from the pre owned market?

 Any thoughts on what are viable choices? 








It is quite something how an individual can assess a situation and then see it is the Antithesis of another's approach. 

I see XLR and thought of a exchange to a OCC Pin/Male Connector immediately.

I see a Phon' as a idea to use with the XLR and thought about acquiring a used Model, followed with exchanging the Chassis Mounted XLR to a OCC Sleeve/Female Connector and using PC Triple C Wire as an exchange material on the Signal Path within the Phon' 'if a wire is in use' for this role.

I know the Verismo will sing like not imagined, I say this with confidence, as I have been Demo'd a Windfeld as a Cart' through a Tonearm > Phone with a above average parts used for the build.

I am a advocate of PC Triple C Wire and have been quite encouraging in the idea of adopting the Wire to be used for a variety of Roles.

At a later date I was introduced to the same set up, with PC Triple C Tonearm Wand Wire, Pure Copper - Low Eddy Connectors on Tonearm Wand Wire and Phon' Chassis, and PC Tripe C used within the Phon' on the Signal Path.

The Windfeld when Demo'd was almost unrecognisable, the betterment of the Cart's performance was quite something to be experienced.

The Designer/Builder of the Tonearm and the Phon' could not explain their surprise, they certainly did not foresee, the end product from their investigative endeavours. 

I have also been Demo'd lesser value Cart's that I am quite familiar with from the Ortofon Design, and this Wire and Connector arrangement has allowed for the Cart's to excel, and again are not recognisable to the Cart's when heard in the system in the earlier guise. To the point that on a occasion the impression made from a Cart' with substantial hours of usage, was able to be kept in use for a very extended period, to the point that there was no time left to use a Cart' I specifically brought along to be used, the impression such a simple set of changes can have is is substantial in relation to a Betterment and a New Indelible Experience has been encountered, that is worthy of a mention.

I will be looking into see the thoughts shared on the Verismo/Proteus, as I am a Ortofon Wed User, who formed a suspicion the Proteus was a worthy Cart' to consider from another Brand.

@neonknight , When I got my Channel D Seta L Plus (a fully balanced unit) I had to change the RCAs to XLRs on my Schroder CB. I did not even have to trim the wires. I just desoldered them from the RCAs and re soldered them to the XLRs. It took maybe 10 minutes. You can order the Schroder with XLRs. 

The BMC is a fine unit but you should also look at the Channel D Lino C which recently got an A+ rating with stereophile. I use an MC Diamond which sounds wonderful into the Channel D. The Verismo is for all intents and purposes the same cartridge. Great choice!  

Mike, do you have v2.0 or v3.3 of Lino C?

Dear Pindac, I’m not sure I understand your last post. Are you advocating a change from XLR to RCA, if the latter and its wiring are using your favored OCC? Regardless of phono stage topology (balanced vs SE)?


@mijostyn  Yes that is the question, are we talking the 2.0 or the 3.3? The 2.0 is going to be roughly the same price as the B.M.C. MCCI Signature ULN that is available to me. 

The topology of the Signature ULN appears to be quite sophisticated. From a users standpoint I am not wild about the internal jumpers, but I can live with it. 

From the site its a bit unclear if there is differences between the two units circuits. Or if its more about user flexibility. 

Can anyone expand? I need to make a deicision today if i am going to grab the B.M.C.

I put mine on a Sota turntable.  The arm was too heavy and ultimately collapsed the springs of the table....poor move.