No offense but that sounds like a really boring movie!
Good movie and/or 4k disc recommendations?
I notice the Home Theater section has very little discussion about what people are watching. I put in my 4k disc of "Blade Runner 2049" the other night and loved it. The sound was fantastic on my 5.0 system. My other favorite right now is "Ford v. Ferrari."
What do you guys like to watch these days?
@stroud27612 - If you liked this movie, you may like "My Dinner with Andre" (1981). |
@dweller, I do like "My Dinner with Andre", though I haven't watched it in years.
@ozzy, "The Sunset Limited" dazzles mostly because of the great acting by Samuel L. Jackson. He pretty much has to carry the movie, though Jones is also good. (Jones directed it.) The movie/play is basically a long discussion about whether God exists, but it has a lot of little side anecdotes and topics that keep it fresh. Cormac McCarthy is one of America's best novelists. |
@gimmer - +1 on the Martian. 2001 was/is a ground breaking movie when released. Loaded with philosophy and stuff to make you think. The ending kind of weird but THC fixes this. |