Best Speaker for a reflective room ?

Looking for recommendations for speakers for a reflective room.  Open-concept home in Florida - sliding glass door wall, ceramic tile floor, 14 ft ceiling.  approx 20 ft wide x 30 ft long.  Main living room so wife isnt going to allow treatments except a rug on the floor.  Hegel HL590 with hifi rose rs150b.  Budget: $30k.  My system up north has magnepan 1.7s with a sub.  Thank you!


Two layers of Cement Board for all walls and ceiling fixes this reflection problem in your room

Your. Est bets are horns, esls and line sources.

The @arion Apollo is in your price range

Your room may be too large, but its description reminded me of this video.

The speakers in the video are listed here on Audiogon.

