ARC repair needed

I recently purchased an ARC D240 MKII (power amp). The right channel is going out. ARC won’t even look at it. They said it is no longer serviceable, that they can’t get parts for it. Does anyone know a repair facility that might work in it? I paid a great deal for it, and it would be perfect with my system.  I live in SoCal, but am happy to ship anywhere.  


The right channel starts to fade after about 10-15 minutes.  It grows faint by about 30 minutes.  

Try Pyramid Audio (Texas) or United Radio (Rochester NY)

Problem is the transistors in that amp are obsolete and it's very difficult to find an equivalent that will work. Transistor amps are very intolerant to transistor substitutions no matter how close the specs are.

In Southern California, you might ask George Meyer AV. They do repairs but I don't know if they'd have the parts and information needed for your specific model.

Sounds like a thermal issue on one side which is invoking a protection circuit. Can you swap the speaker leads to see if the fault moves to the other side? If it does, it's a speaker or cabling issue. 

I tried swapping both input leads and outputs to speakers.  I tried reverse on the preamp and inverting in the amp.  It’s always the same output.  I suspect it’s either a solder or a capacitor.