New DAC or New Streamer?

This should be fun. After I pay to get my amp upgraded at VAC next month  I plan to either upgrade my DAC or Streamer next. I should have enough for that by late spring/early summer. I'm retired so I save some each month until I have what I need. My system is in my user profile. But to keep this simple my current DAC is the Dinafrips Venus II I got a year ago. (I also have the Hermes DDC)

My streamer is the Cambridge CXN V2 via coax to the Hermes-> I2s -> DAC which is also 1 year old. I was just getting into streaming then and knew little about it. I have learned a lot this past year, a whole lot.

I think the bottle neck is leaning more toward the streamer. It seems the DAC is pretty good, I know there are much better DAC's out there but it holds it own I think. Maybe not? I cannot afford the likes of DCS, Lampizator, etc.

The next planned upgrades are a Terminator II DAC and Aurender N200 Streamer. Both are $5000-$6000. (Unless I go for the Terminator + DAC that is $7500 but I am not sure it is $2500 better than the Terminator II)

So, since both will get upgraded a year apart, which should I go for first? Which would provide the biggest upgrade?

Thanks. Happy holidays to all.


Consider a used Aurender N100H in lieu of the N200.  I haven’t heard the difference but the the N100 sounds amazingly good.  You can always get your money back but I believe you’ll want to keep it. 

Thank you, but I have already made an agreement to buy and Aurender N200 from a Forum Member.

@fthompson251 Thank you, but I have already made an agreement to buy and Aurender N200 from a Forum Member.

Hi and congratulations!

Please let us know your listening impressions.



Congratulations on your purchase, good call! Looking forward to your impressions of N200 with Denafrips Venus II. Let us know how if Hermes DDC still impactful with N200 as a source. 

@lalitk @charles1dad   Thank you. It is going to be a while before I acquire the new unit as I am away from home and the listening room until early April. I will not abandon this thread, I will get back to it after I get into the system and give it a listen.