McIntosh MT5 vs Rega 8 or 10

Does anyone have thoughts on these turntables?  I love the green platter of the McIntosh, but looking for overall best sound.  I do have McIntosh mono amps but my dealer is telling me there is a year and a half wait for the MT5.


Thanks everyone for your help.  I decided to go with A Clear Audio Performance table.  I got a great deal on a lightly used titanium cartridge.  Can’t wait to get it!

Nice choice-what finish/arm?

Titanium @ a great deal would be the only way I could afford it=$11K MSRP.

Enjoy it with only good pressings!

Yes, thank you. It was the only way I could afford it as well. I spent more money on the turntable than I initially thought I would, but very excited. I got the silver finish with the tracer arm.

I will be using a parasound JC3 plus for the phono stage.