I took delivery of a Lyra Atlas Lambda SL about a week ago. I have about 35 hrs on it now (I can’t be dragged away from it….LOL). I waited five months from the time I ordered.
I am using this with a Clearaudio Ovation and Universal arm, with a Naim Superline/SupercapDR phonostage into a Naim 252/SCDR/300DR with Dynaudio Confidence C2 Platinum speakers and a pair of REL S/510.
At the moment I am tracking it at 1.65 gr, and I have been tossing back and forth between 453Ω and 470Ω for loading. I think anything much less than 453 will be dull and 500+ might be too lively (560 has been recommended to try). I mostly listen to jazz and classical and I tend to like 470Ω better so far for most jazz, but some classical sound better at 453Ω. I think the latter because some classical (especially late-70s and later DGs) were mastered too bright. Karajan’s awful influence maybe.
I’ll think I’ll start adjusting VTF a little and see what that does, but at the moment I can live with it all the way it is.
This cartridge is truly delicious and very special. I was using a Dynavector XV-1s before. The Lyra has everything good it had but takes everything to a new level of nirvana. What an amazing accomplishment.