If someone handed you this system, what would you change?

I was reading the latest post from a member here describing the rabbit hole he went down to find the perfect system. Lots of money spent upgrading lots of different gear. Made me wan to pose this question, and I ask it with this in mind. I am very happy with what I have, but if someone with extensive knowledge were to be handed this setup, what would this person do to swap out/add equipment that would really make a noticable difference. What, in your opinion would you want me to consider. (I will not take as an insult to anything you may say and I do have some pre-conceived ideas as to where this may go, but I really want your opinion)

My system from source to speakers:

Node 2i music streamer with Deezer as prefered music service
Mini DSP DAC with Dirac Live calibrated for my 17 X 25 room
Emotiva XSP1 Pre Amp (with home theater bypass function allowing a yamaha            receiver to take over on movie night). Then through balanced connection to:

Emotiva XPA gen 3 Power amp at 400 WPC bi-amped into mids and highs of speakers, and also from pre-amp directly to speakers that have 700 WPC to base drivers of speakers

Speaker wires from power amp to speakers are from Big Ear audio in Tempe Arizona. Owner builds his own cables; paid $800

Speakers: Legacy Audio Focus XD (again, bi amped from power amp and internal power built in to the speakers.

So, that's it. I went with as good as I could when I put this all together at about the same time 3 years ago. I am still really enjoying it BUT..... I feel a hole burning in my pocket for the next upgrade if needed. What do ya think


So I had a pre conceived idea that I would get the kinds of comments in this post about my Emotiva equipment. I have come to the realization that this is where I would want to upgrade, mostly on blind faith that I will truly experience a noticable difference once hooked up in my listening room. Any comments on the following: I am really leaning hard now on staying in the Legacy family. The Legacy Wavelet II pre-amp, configured to my exact speakers and including HT bypass, DAC, Room correction and a few other tricks for around 7K seems like the no brainer decision where I cannot possible go wrong (and also adding one of the legacy 2 channel power amps). Any comments on that simple 10k decision should I go that route? I appreciate the comments from all.... thanks.

I would get a good two channel tube preamp such as a Cary SLP-98 or a Conrad-Johnson, perhaps a few others. That will last a lifetime and not be obsoleted by time or have features that become obsolete. Next shop for a good stereo amp. Parasound has some good value items.

One change I made to my system that made a huge difference is adding a CD transport. The difference between streamed files and the same music on a CD played on the transport is really significant and similar to the difference between digital and analog, analog offering more space, more three-dimensionality, more musical flow. Of course, this change only makes sense if you have plenty of CDs to feed to the transport. And along the same lines, adding a turntable to your system (and the requisite LPs) will provide a lot more musical satisfaction--at least that's how it is for me. My feeling is that everything in a system makes a difference, but if you don't get it right at the source, all you're doing is perfectly reproducing a poor signal.